Frank Jones and His Flaming stars rock&roll revival with Special Guest: John Carpenter
Frank Jones and His Flaming stars rock&roll revival with Special Guest: John Carpenter
Frank Jones and His Flaming stars rock&roll revival with Special Guest: John Carpenter

Frank Jones and His Flaming stars rock&roll revival with Special Guest: John Carpenter

Vous avez toujours eu envie de revivre la belle époque du rock'n'roll au début des années 50?
et bien c'est votre chance! Frank Jones and his flaming stars vont vous faire revivre la création du rock'n'roll avec leur hommage au père de ce dernier Bill Haley. Une occasion unique qui rappellera l'époque où Haley était considéré le roi du rock'n'roll!!! Vous pourrez dancer sur ces rythmes endiablés toute la soirée!Have you always wanted to relive the golden era of rock'n'roll in the early 50s? Frank Jones and his flaming stars will make you relive the creation of rock'n'roll with their tribute to the latter's father Bill Haley. A unique occasion that will recall the time when Haley was considered king of rock'n'roll! You'll be able to dance on good rhythm all evening!
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