Alexis O’Hara

Alexis O’Hara

Alexis O’Hara’s art embraces the transcendent potential of the accidental and the transgressive power of humor.
She has co-created (with a large-scale performance with artists from marginalized communities (in Cuba, Mexico, Brazil and Nicaragua), travelled internationally with her spoken-noise performances and toured a sound installation that instigates spontaneous musical collaboration between strangers. She has released four albums, a book of poetry and enough helium-filled balloons to get her dress caught in a chandelier. In 2016, she was awarded the Powerhouse Prize by feminist art gallery, La Centrale. Alexis and her drag king alter ego, Guizo La Nuit are mainstays of the Montréal cabaret scene.

She recently finished production on her first full-length solo theatrical performance. OUFF, an interdisciplinary memoir on the commodification of the young feminine body in the context of white supremacy. OUFF premiered at Theatre La Chapelle in Montréal in May, 2019 and was subsequently mounted in Mexico City for the Hemispheric Institute’s Encuentro, a biennial gathering of artists, academics and activists in/of the Americas.
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