Mafane - Le pays du grand nulle part
Mafane - Le pays du grand nulle part
Mafane - Le pays du grand nulle part

Mafane - Le pays du grand nulle part

Created by Mafane In a coastal village of a thousand colors, Sara and her grandmother lead a peaceful life.
One day, a mist appears. At first, no one cares, but soon the mist turns into a thick fog. A thick fog that obliterates everything: colors, houses and even people! Before disappearing, Grandma entrusts Sara with her most precious possessions: her silver needle and a boat in a bottle, which will lead her and her companions to the land of nowhere, a land so wonderful it doesn't even exist. It has to be invented! Originally from the island of La Réunion, Mafane first found in storytelling a remedy for her homesickness. Keen to help people discover her native region, Mafane first drew inspiration from Indian Ocean folklore and music, before moving on to other oral traditions and composing stories of her own. She has performed in a variety of venues, including France, Martinique, Brazil and Réunion Island. She was awarded the Conteurs du Canada Emerging Storyteller Bursary in 2015 and has been fortunate enough to secure several creative residencies in Quebec and France. Born into a long tradition of immigrants from Mauritius, Madagascar, Sicily, Algeria and France, Mafane's work now focuses on creative storytelling about leaving. When you leave your country and never return, what is the most precious thing you take with you? This show is supported by Circuit Parles Vivantes.
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