Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke

Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke

The Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke (FCMS) invites you to explore the universes of filmmakers from Quebec and around the world, and to rediscover the seventh art!
Every year in April, come and enjoy a rich and varied program of over 80 films from the four corners of the globe, and take part in discussion activities where you can hear many points of view on different issues and artistic approaches.

Ciné-Concert, round-table discussions, conferences, thematic evenings, family cinema and outdoor activities… A wide range of events await you in a warm, authentic atmosphere.

As part of its international and regional competition, the Festival awards three prizes: the Cercle d’or – Meilleur long métrage de fiction, the Cercle d’or – Meilleur long métrage documentaire and the Prix Pierre-Javaux – Meilleur court métrage de l’Estrie.

The FCMS is your chance to discover true cinematic gems, and to meet local artisans and experts from all walks of life.

The Festival is also proud to contribute to the vitality of the Eastern Townships cinematographic community by offering a space for the public and the region’s artisans to share their art et their ideas.

Come and join us for this annual event that will blow your mind!
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